Acute and Chronic Injuries

Treatment for Injuries

Acute injuries (whether through sport or other activity) can happen
suddenly. They are often the result of a fall, trauma or a twisted joint.
Common examples of acute injuries include sprains and dislocations. Chronic
injuries on the other hand are issues such as shin splints or stress fractures.

Treatment for these types of injuries can be resting, icing, compressing and
elevating (RICE), however for more serious injuries you may need to see a sports medicine doctors.

Our Sports Doctors have 25+ years of providing care for sports and
non-sports related injuries, you can book an appointment for all types of acute or chronic injuries you may have experienced.

Our Team

Dr. Duncan Sullivan
Sports Medicine Doctor MB BS FACSEP Dr Duncan Sullivan now practices primarily in the field of diagnosis and management ...
Dr. Duncan Sullivan
Dr. Jonathon Charlesworth
Sports Medicine Doctor MB BS FACSEP Jonathon was awarded Fellowship of the Australasian College of Sports and Exercise P...
Dr. Jonathon Charlesworth
Dr. Ewan Smith
Sports Medicine Doctor Having received my training in the beautiful city of Perth, I am excited to contribute to the hea...
Dr. Ewan Smith